Kristin Addis, of Be My Travel Muse is one of the most successful female travel bloggers/Instagrammers. But it wasn’t her intended career path. In fact, she was making a living as an investment banker before catching the travel bug, and jetting off to chase her dreams. Seven years ago, Kristin was sitting in her office day job, daydreaming about having more freedom in her life. Travel bloggers were not a thing that existed yet. Yet, she started out blogging because writing was always her passion.
One thing led to the next and soon she was on a one-way flight to Bangkok, having quit her job, ending her relationship, and selling everything she owned. Soon enough she was traveling the world and gaining new skills like photography, video, marketing and tour guiding. Of all her trips, her favorite story took place while hitchhiking in Patagonia.
A mac truck picked me up. I'd been in the rain for hours and was so relieved. Then when I crawled into the bed of the truck I saw a good 10 other hitchhikers, all either Chilean or Bolivian. Someone started playing music and another guy passed around a bottle of wine. It's quite normal for young people to hitchhike there so it was all about camaraderie and it was just so ridiculous, I still love thinking about it.
Kristin believes the world is a beautiful place despite all that we hear otherwise and wants to promote adventurous travel for women whom are so often told they can’t travel alone. She inspires women daily to be bold and travel solo.
Follow along on Kristin’s journeys at and @bemytravelmuse on Instagram. She even has an upcoming masterclass, sharing her techniques and strategies for aspiring and emerging travel photographers: