Kanya Iwana (@kanyaiwana) is an Indonesian born director, writer, photographer, and founder of the Ki Studio, which she calls "Kanya and friends making cool shit". With a degree in performance...
Seeing Ashley Sophia Clark (@ashleysophiaclark)’s work is like diving deep into a shot of a David Lynch film, full of surprises and surreal as hell. There's mood upon mood, velvet...
Talk about natural beauty that's both romantic and whimsical, yet deep, raw and unfiltered,magical and we have the foundations of Sujata Setia's work...
Maya Fuhr (@mayafuhr), innovator, influencer and most importantly insanely creative photographer. Maya Fuhr depicts all that is great in the world, in all it's quirks and oddities through her lens...
Making movements in the South African community and around the world, Zanele Muholi (@muholizanele) seeks to educate and offset the stigma around the queer and trans community in Africa. Their...
Circa 2018 female photographer Marie Hyld (@mariehyld) went viral worldwide with her series Life Construction. A project that took the notions of love to a whole new level. Her raw...
A publicist , a professional photographer, a teacher on Domestika and the founding art director of Fruta studios, Nay Jiménez understands the photography world tenfold.From the very beginning Nay enjoyed...