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feel. be seen. be heard. be free.
Foto Femme United feel. be seen. be heard. be free.

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    Female Photographers and Feminism
    Irene Stylianou
    Irene Stylianou
    Ever since its invention back in the 18th century, photography has been documenting life. At the same time, it focuses on inviting audiences to a rather subjective world while trying...
    Gay Pride from 1969 – 2021
    Henrie Richer
    The Gay Pride celebrations commemorate the Stonewall riots, which began in the early hours of June 28, 1969, after police raided the Stonewall Inn, a gay bar in New York...
    Freedom To Focus
    Henrie Richer
    The popular saying “a picture is worth a thousand words”, is like most clichés, undoubtedly true. This is the power of photography and in particular photojournalism. Whether reporting on wars,...
    Female Photographers and Feminism
    Irene Stylianou
    Irene Stylianou
    Ever since its invention back in the 18th century, photography has been documenting life. At the same time, it focuses on inviting audiences to a rather subjective world while trying...
    Rising Together
    Henrie Richer
    The World Economic Forum’s Global Gender Gap Report 2021 announced bad news recently. It has found that the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic has increased by a generation, the future...
    Female Photographers and Feminism
    Irene Stylianou
    Irene Stylianou
    Ever since its invention back in the 18th century, photography has been documenting life. At the same time, it focuses on inviting audiences to a rather subjective world while trying...
    Female Photographers and Feminism
    Irene Stylianou
    Irene Stylianou
    Ever since its invention back in the 18th century, photography has been documenting life. At the same time, it focuses on inviting audiences to a rather subjective world while trying...
    March 8th : International Women’s (Rights) Day
    Henrie Richer
    The struggle for equal rights between men and women has been, and still is, a long war of attrition against a patriarchal world that seems to have evolved when hunter...
    The Importance Of Equity For Creating Equality
    Henrie Richer
    A few professions are at last becoming more diverse in terms of gender, race, sexual orientation, language, and disability. In the Arts and photography, however, the bias favoring white men...
    Female Photographers and Feminism
    Irene Stylianou
    Irene Stylianou
    Ever since its invention back in the 18th century, photography has been documenting life. At the same time, it focuses on inviting audiences to a rather subjective world while trying...